PhD Position: “Remembering Disasters: Between Individual and Collective Memory”

This co-supervised PhD studentship is open for applications. Supervisors: Céline Souchay, Directeur de Recherche CNRS in Grenoble Rebecca Clifford, Associate Professor of Modern History at Swansea University Please click here for more information on how to apply, or contact Deadline 29/06/2018

Call for Papers

Deja vu and other dissociative states in memory A special issue of Memory Submission deadline: 31st July 2017 Guest Editors:  Chris Moulin, Akira O’Connor and Christine Wells In recent years, deja vu has become of great interest in cognition, where it is mostly seen as a memory illusion.  It can be described as having two

Joint meeting of the British and French Neuropsychological Societies (BNS/SNLF)

London, 17-18th March 2016 Clinical Neurosciences Centre, 33 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG Download a poster Invited Speakers Lars Nyberg Lionel Naccache Dorothy Bishop (BNS Freda Newcombe lecture) Michaela Dewar (BNS Elizabeth Warrington prize) Symposia Autobiographical Memory Martin Conway Lilianne Manning Emily Holmes Pascale Piolino Genetics and Neuropsychology Julie Snowden Fabienne Collettte Annette Karmiloff-Smith Call for abstracts

Where are they now?

In 2015, thanks to some generous funding from the Region of Bourgogne, we were able to take on a big team of early career researchers and students.  The scientific outputs of this team will be forthcoming, but we are very pleased to say that of the five who were searching for PhD places, all five

We have moved

We have moved to Grenoble, to the LPNC. Laboratoire de Psychologie & NeuroCognition (CNRS UMR 5105) Université Pierre Mendès France Bâtiment Sciences de l’Homme et Mathématiques 1251 avenue Centrale Domaine Universitaire de St Martin d’Hères 38040 Grenoble FRANCE CHRIS: @chrsmln  <— twitter skype: christophermoulin CELINE: